Airbrush Airbrush Makeup Kit, Can You Use A Different Foundation Than The One That Comes With It?

Airbrush makeup kit, can you use a different foundation than the one that comes with it? - airbrush

I think my Luminess Airbrush kit (300 $ 's worth the wait), but I heard the customer service / shipping is terrible! Then I wondered if I could buy my liquid foundation, clean and use them instead of liquid foundation of the brand Luminess.
Will it be good?


Queen of Makeup said...

He said that the other person, set not in a position, any liquid based purchase and airbrush. I had heard bad things Luminess line, and iwent and found Dinair. I have the airbrush kit and I love it! were super nice and have great colors. I hope this information is helpful. Let us know where and when you love it with you ...=)

ska_chic... said...

You will not be able to use a liquid foundation on the same machine. Depending on where you live, you should find sold in a position to a place that airbrush makeup. I suggest going with someone about airbrush before you buy a kit to speak, and we give a lot of money.

On a side note, learn everything you need to get on the machine and other Luminess know it (pressure) are very important. If done incorrectly, can airbrush May incredibly dangerous and even problems with their vision, so I suggested to devote their time to learn about it before they buy it.

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